
Privacy Policy

Last Modified: March 24, 2023

This Privacy Policy sets out the rules by which Grupa BB Media Ltd, based in Dublin, processes the personal data of website users, collected automatically from the website. („Personal Data”).

I. The Controller

The Controller of your personal data is:
Grupa BB Media Ltd. with its registered office in Dublin, 12 Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland, entered the Companies Registration Office under the number CRO 535246. You can contact the Controller by e-mail at or by phone at +353 87 368 05888.

II. Purpose and Legal Basis of Personal Data Processing

Your Personal Data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”). The Controller will be processing your Personal Data for the following purposes:

  1.  to enable the analysis of your inquiries and messages submitted via contact forms and to answer them – in such cases, your Personal Data will be processed pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, i.e. for the purposes of taking steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract, and possibly pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, i.e. to pursue the Controller’s legitimate interests, i.e., the need to respond to the question or proposal;

  2. to send the newsletter – if you agreed to receive newsletters and updates from the Controller; in such cases, your Personal Data will be processed based on Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, i.e., based on your consent;

  3. if you make an attempt to contact us in any other way than through the contact form, e.g. by e-mail, in order to enable us to contact you and answer your questions – in such cases, your Personal Data will be processed on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR – the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller, i.e., the need to respond to your contact attempt;

  4. to create statistics related to the Controller’s website visits and to build the Controller’s service portfolio – in such cases, your Personal Data will be processed pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR – the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller, i.e., the need to analyze the interest in the services offered by the Controller and to create a service portfolio based on such analyses.

Notwithstanding the above, cookies may be installed through the Website to allow the collection of additional information about you. More information about the cookies used and the purposes for which they are used is available in the “Cookie Policy” section.

III. Personal Data Recipients

The recipients of your Personal Data may be entities cooperating with the Controller, e.g.:
- technology providers, such as server providers, hosting providers, and e-mail providers;
- the Controller’s associates: accounting services, legal services, marketing platforms, and advertising agencies.
In each case, the transfer of your Personal Data will have an existing legal basis, e.g. a data processing agreement.

IV. Personal Data Processing Outside the European Economic Area (EEA)

Your Personal Data will not be processed outside the European Economic Area.
However, if your Personal Data is to be processed outside the EEA, it will only take place for the purpose of processing by the recipients referred to above and on the legal basis provided for by law, e.g., based on standard contractual clauses or an adequacy decision of the European Commission to consider the country in question as safe for personal data processing.

V. Personal Data Storage Period

Your Personal Data will be processed only for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in Section II above. In the case of Personal Data processed in connection with making them available through the contact form:

  • in the case of initiating cooperation, your Personal Data will be processed until the expiry of the cooperation and until the statute of limitations of any claims to which the Controller or you are entitled in connection with the cooperation;

  • otherwise, your Personal Information will be processed until you exercise your right to erase your Personal Information.

In the case of Personal Data processed for the purposes of sending newsletters and other marketing communications, your Personal Data will be processed for the duration of the newsletter or other marketing activities taken by the Controller, unless you exercise your right to erase your Personal Data or revoke your consent to their processing before the end of that period.

With regard to Personal Information processed for contact purposes other than through the contact form:

  • in the case of initiating cooperation, your Personal Data will be processed until the expiry of the cooperation and until the statute of limitations of any claims to which the Controller or you are entitled in connection with the cooperation;

  • otherwise, your Personal Information will be processed until you exercise your right to erase your Personal Information.

In the case of creating statistics related to the Controller’s website visits and building the Controller’s service portfolio, your Personal Data will be processed until you exercise your rights to erase your Personal Data or until the cooperation, if any, is terminated.

VI. Need to Process Personal Data

Provision of your Personal Data is voluntary and failure to provide them will not have any negative consequences. Neither is it a statutory obligation. However, if you fail to provide the personal data, the Controller will not be able to answer your questions or initiate cooperation or conclude an agreement. 

VII. Profiling and Automated Processing of Personal Data

The Controller will not perform profiling operations or make any automated decisions based on the Personal Data provided by you.

VIII. Your Rights Related to the Processing of Personal Data:

Data subjects have:

  1. the right to access and receive copies of their data;
    Data subjects have the right to know which personal data belonging to them are being processed by the Controller, as well as to receive copies of such data.

  2. the right to rectify (correct) their data;
    Data subjects have the right to request that the Controller rectify their personal data that are inaccurate, or that they be completed.

  3. the right to erase their data;
    Data subjects have the right to request that the Controller erase their personal data. The Controller, despite the request made by a particular person, may continue to process his or her data if the obligation to further process the data results from specific legal regulations or the processing of the data by the Controller is necessary to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

  4. the right to request the restriction of data processing;
    Data subjects have the right to demand that the processing of personal data be limited solely to the storage of such data or to the performance of activities agreed upon with them, if:

    - in the opinion of the data subject, the Controller has inaccurate data about them;
    - the processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of their use instead;
    - the Controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

  5. the right to object to the processing of data:
    Where the legal basis of personal data processing is the Controller’s legitimate interest – data subjects have the right to object to the processing on grounds relating to their particular situation.

    Data subjects also have the right to object to the processing of their data for the purposes of direct marketing.

  6. the right to data portability:
    Data subjects have the right to receive from the Controller personal data in a file saved in a format that enables its reproduction, in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format (e.g., “csv”). The right to data portability applies only if the legal basis of personal data processing is your consent or if the processing of your personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract between you and the Controller or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract.

  7. the right to withdraw consent at any time:
    Where the legal basis of personal data processing is consent – data subjects have the right to withdraw consent at any time. The Controller processes your personal data based on your consent in order to send you the newsletter. You can withdraw your consent to such data processing by clicking the link in the footer of the Controller’s emails. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.The rights listed above may be subject to restrictions if specific laws require or permit further processing of personal data by the Controller. In order to exercise the rights mentioned above, please contact the Controller.

  8. the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
    Data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the national supervisory authority appointed for the protection of personal data in their country of residence. 

Cookies Policy

When you use the Controller’s website, short information texts called “cookies” are stored on your end device (computer, laptop, smartphone, Smart TV). This information allows us to determine the IP address of the website user, the name of the website from which he or she is redirected, browser data, location data, and the way he or she uses the Controller’s website.

Why does the Controller use cookies?

  • To customize page content;

  • To provide services;

  • To create statistics allowing us to improve the content and functioning of our website;

  •  To ensure the safe use of our website;

  • To guarantee that the page is displayed correctly in technical terms.



What types of cookies are used by the Controller?

  • Session cookies – stored on your device until the end of the session on a given browser (after it is finished, they are permanently deleted from the device memory)

  • Persistent cookies – stored on your device until they are deleted, i.e., the end of a browser session does not delete them.

Remember, it is up to you to decide the extent of cookie access to your device. You can change the terms and conditions of their storage and access at any time by changing the settings of your web browser. You can also delete cookies using the relevant browser function.

Regardless of the cookies belonging to the Controller, cookies of entities cooperating with the Controller may also be installed on your end device in the course of using the website:

  • Google cookies (Google, Gordon House Barrow St Dublin 4, Ireland) – Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Page Insight, Google Ad – these cookies are used to create statistics on users’ visits to the website. They enable the Controller’s website to be optimized and displayed using the Google search engine; if you accept the cookies, your Personal Data can be transferred to Google; more information about data processing by Google can be found at  

  • Facebook cookies (Facebook Ireland, Hanover Reach 5-7, Hanover Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland) – Facebook Pixel – these cookies allow marketing the Controller’s services to users via Facebook; if you accept the cookies, your Personal Data can be transferred to Facebook; more information about data processing by Facebook can be found at  - Yandex cookies (Yandex LLC, Ulitsa Lva Tolstogo 16, Moscow, Russia 119021) – Yandexmetrica – these cookies allow the keeping of statistics on the Controller’s website visits and analyses of user behavior on the website. If you accept the cookies, your Personal Data can be transferred to Yandex; more information about data processing by Yandex can be found at 


    The Controller has no impact on the manner in which the entities cooperating with the Controller install cookies on the end device to process personal data. At the same time, the website user always has the possibility to use the option in the web browser to prevent the installation of cookies and to remove them from the end device.

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