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Full Service YouTube Management

Strategy & Consultancy

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Rights Management & Anti-Piracy

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Auditing for Existing Channels

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Channel Creation

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Channel Management

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Bespoke Services

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Strategy & Consultancy

When it comes to launching a new channel, understanding your audience on a deeper level, or getting clarity on the benefits that a presence on YouTube can bring is key. Getting external, expert advice from the beginning can be the difference between success and failure.

Specifically, you can leverage our strategic consultancy services for:

  • Developing and launching a new channel

  • Taking a current channel in a new direction

  • Rebranding a channel 

  • Expanding into a new area or territory



Rights Management & Anti-Piracy

From detecting and taking down all illegal uploads of your content on YouTube, to establishing your rights in the first place, protecting your intellectual property rights is one of our core concerns. We also offer geo-blocking (also known as geo-fencing) services, which allows creators to publish their videos in selected territories only. BB Media works extensively with content creators and copyright holders like you in the digital space. Our team works to defend companies and individuals against unauthorized use and distribution of your copyrighted material. 

We take a blended approach - using Content ID tools to scan uploaded or live-streamed content for potential copyright infringements. In addition we manually review YouTube for infringing content and claim it manually, if necessary.

You can trust us with issuing claims, initiating takedowns, or working with the uploader to resolve the issue. Based on your instruction, we also set up ‘usage policies’ around your content and apply them to specific videos, so you can publish your content in countries according to which license is in place.

This collaborative approach means that content creators and copyright holders thrive in the digital space while reducing the risk of unauthorized use and distribution of your content.




There are so many ways to create revenue from your content on YouTube.
By taking a strategic approach to monetization, you can maximize your return on investment on every video or short you create. We consider everything from using tools like Content ID to planning ahead in case of unauthorized uploads, and help you to understand how best to respond to potential copyright infringement.
Before any unauthorized upload occurs, we establish the strategic, predefined actions you want to take when a video is matched. This way, we can take immediate action – whether blocking, monitoring, or monetizing the content – when Content ID finds a match.
If you choose to monetize your content, ads can be placed on the matched video, with revenue from these ads going to the original content owner (you!), not the person who uploaded your content without consent.

Auditing for Existing Channels

If you have an existing channel and you know that it can give you more ROI than you’re getting right now, then an in-depth channel analysis is essential. Get expert insights into your content’s performance through our analytical services, identify how to outpace the competition, and find improved ways to monetize your efforts.

At a glance, we offer:

  • Content quality and relevance reviews

  • SEO and metadata assessments

  • Audience engagement and demographic analysis

  • Competitive benchmarking

  • Monetization strategy evaluation

  • Cross-platform synergy analysis

  • Customized recommendations report

Channel Creation

We help companies develop YouTube channels from scratch, optimizing your set-up so that you are primed for success from the very beginning.
If you have a current YouTube presence, but want to add to it with a language or location-specific sister setup, we’re here to help. Our team is highly experienced in creating and delivering on-brand channels.
Our channel creation services include:

  • New channel development and optimization

  • Channel setup and integration

  • Strategy alignment 

  • Monetization and revenue analysis

  • Video optimization

  • Performance reporting and insights

You’ll also receive training and guidance on how to incorporate SEO best practices, and securing your channel against potential hacks.

After creating the channel, we work with you to develop a strategy that’s tailored to your specific needs.

So you can make data-driven decisions, we also help you analyse your channel and generate essential insight reports.

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Channel Management

This service is a tailored solution for YouTube channel owners who are looking for more features than YouTube Studio currently offers. This service is ideal for helping you to more effectively promote your products, services, and brand identity through engaging video content.
Let our expert team manage your channel on your behalf, and take care of uploading and managing your video assets.
By taking a strategic approach to content, we tailor all our efforts to your specific audience, and include metadata optimization services to maximize the likelihood of your videos being successful. Our claim management service also vigilantly protects copyrighted material and maximizes your earning, and in-depth reports and analysis help you make data-backed decisions.

We use

Content Delivery Tool

- YouTube CMS offers many advantages to creators and businesses, and the Content Delivery tool simplifies video uploads, bulk management, content organization, metadata optimization, and monetization.

Studio Content Manager

- Again, this powerful tool sits inside YouTube's CMS and effectively manages videos, playlists, and channel settings.

Analytics (powered by Big Query)

- this tool offers a robust and scalable solution for analyzing YouTube channel data. This feature helps creators and businesses gain insights from their channel's performance data. 

User Engagement Tracking

- Apart from monetization, Content ID also allows content owners to track viewer engagement on matched videos, offering valuable insights into audience behavior.

Bespoke Services

If you are looking for YouTube channel management support, but have a particular challenge or goal in mind, we offer bespoke services. Ideal for businesses who want to achieve a highly specific outcome, we tailor our projects and services to ensure your success. Get in touch to discuss your needs here .